Wow, what a lovely day we had in Seattle today! It was coldish, maybe high 40's low 50's, but the sun was out most of the day. The mountains surrounding the city were out, the water was blue...paradise!
I've been exploring other writer's blogs. It's such a great way to get to know people, even though it's virtual. Along the way, somehow I stumbled across a place called You can meet real people in your area who have similar interests.
One group is the Urban Walkers. They - go figure - meet monthly for walks around the city. Tres cool. What I'd really like to do is find a kayaking group. I have this crazy notion that it would be fun. There are Sea Kayakers and White Water Kayakers. One group is having a class in a pool this week to work on their rolling technique. Like, rolling upside down and presumably upside up again? Hummm. Haven't found a Shallow Water Fraidy-Cat Kayaking group yet. Or maybe a way to do this on dry land. I'll keep searching.
Originally, I was looking for a Christian Writers Group in the area. Never did find that, but I think I'm going to a dinner theater next week.
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