Monday, April 03, 2006

Hidey Ho, Neighbors!

That's me on the right, my great friend, Stephanie on the left. We are sitting at the Continental Divide...

Well, we all survived Spring Break.

The weather was fantastic. We got snow every other day, with full on sunshine the days in between. Amazing boarding, great breaks in the lodge, FABULOUS nachos. My ribs still hurt. I'm thinking that I definitely cracked one or two during my big fall that first day, but I'll heal.

The last two days in Salida the fam started coming down with a strange virus. High fever, swollen glands, very sore throat, but no other evidence of strep, and it goes away in a day or two.

So, today, the first day after Spring Break, I have three kids home with me. Humm. What's the point of breaks if the kids never go back?

One of the cool things that came out of the vacation was a real desire to move back to Seattle. I've lived in Colorado for eleven years, and it's never felt like home. I just can 't quit Seattle...

Besides, since my book/future series is set there, what better way to research? I'll keep everyone posted as this potential new journey unfolds. There are a ton of things that need to fall into place - foster kiddos to transfer (if possible), selling my home here, blah blah. Never a dull moment. But, if I don't act on this, life will be the same and change is fun.

More to come...

Status: One blocked ear and swollen gland.
On the TiVo: Starting Over.

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